"Your storytelling drives curiosity and inspires us. You help bring people and space closer together."

- Meridyth Moore, Space Center Houston

"You were invaluable…and your footage is simply great. So pleased to have had the chance to work closely with you."

- Ellen Goosenberg, Academy Award-Winning Director

Paul Cater Deaton fell in love with underwater photography when he was a small boy growing up on a Texas Ranch… watching classic television series like ‘Sea Hunt.’”

Kathryn Eastburn - Coast Monthly Magazine

"It wouldn't be an ocean event without PCD Keynote! A huge thank you to the best Emcee a film fest could ask for, the one and only Paul Cater Deaton! It might be windy and snowy in Chicago right now, but we're still feeling all warm and fuzzy knowing we've got the best in the biz."

-WAVE Film Festival, Chicago

You've seen him come face to face with tiger sharks. You've seen his award-winning documentaries. You've seen him as Agent 00, and now for an unprecedented 5th time, you'll see him as the master of ceremonies at Our World Underwater (2017). There have been others before, but no one does it better than Paul Cater Deaton! Don't miss this world-class film festival!”

— Our World Underwater

Paul Cater Deaton is not your everyday guy with a video cam. He sees the big picture. This Texan, who lives in St.Thomas, is an award winning writer, producer, director, cameraman and talent - a one-man production powerhouse.”

— Dan Bostdorf, Virgin Voice Magazine

From the opening scene (Lionfish, The Beautiful Outlaw) you know you’re in for something different. The interviews ground the film in quality insight, while the pacing and humor entertain as well as educate.”

— SCUBA Emporium News

Paul Cater Deaton... takes viewers to the far corners of the globe and under the sea with skillful photography and wit.”

— St. John School of the Arts - VIP Mini Film Festival

His lively narrative and stunning underwater shots captivated the audience, who asked him a number of questions and followed him even after his presentation.”

— Philippines Dept. of Tourism Press Release

...our favorite underwater rock star.”

— Host Erik Ackerson, "On the Water" Radio One, Virgin Islands